
Mass Times

Daily (Mon-Fri) 9 AM
Saturday (Vigil) 4 PM
Sunday 8:30 AM & 11 AM

Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesday 2:00-4:00 PM
Second and Fourth Wednesday of Every Month.

Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church




Jesus and the Eucharist
Study Sessions On Demand

Jesus and the Eucharist 7-Part Study Series from The National Eucharistic Revival

The Jesus and the Eucharist 7-part study series is now available via on-demand videos (in both English and Spanish). Each session includes access to a study handout. The National Eucharistic Revival provides this opportunity. This seven-part series focuses on the Kerygma (Greek word for “proclamation”) at the center of our Eucharistic faith. 

The study topics include Session 1) "What’s Our Story?" Session 2) "Who is Jesus?" Session 3) "Am I Saved?" Session 4) "Why a Church?" Session 5) "God is with Us." Session 6) "The Story of the Eucharist.” and Session 7) “Bread for the Journey."

You can access all videos and study handouts
(in English and Spanish) by clicking here.






Sign Up For The
SCB Business Friends List

Saint Charles Borromeo Business Friends Sign Up

Saint Charles is starting the SCB Business Friends List. A resource to our parish and school community, allowing them to patronize our parishioners, friends, Alumni, parents, family members, and staff who have businesses. The list will be published soon on both the parish and school websites.

If you are a present or past member of our parish or school community, put your business on the list now by clicking here or on the image below.

Questions? Contact Gina at gferrara@stcharleskc.com.